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There are issues with account linking and connecting to the computer.

Honored Guest

I'm connecting via cable to the PC, but sometimes it wouldn't connect. Restarting both the device and computer used to solve the problem, but for the past three days, it hasn't connected at all, so I decided to reset the device. The device is a Meta Quest 3.

After the reset, the device needs to pair with the phone for setup. However, I can't add the headset in the mobile app because I can't remove the previous device. The "Devices" section in the app has an option called "Headset Settings," but since I bought the headset, I've never been able to access that—it always appears greyed out.

If I try to remove the device via the website, it doesn't show up there either. I'm curious, who had the brilliant idea to implement the same settings differently for the headset, mobile app, and website? Why is phone pairing mandatory for the headset? Is adding login via email really that hard?

I reported this issue months ago, but no one solved it. Back then, I resolved it by creating a new email account. Do I need to create a new email every time? Are the teams just testing the headset by playing games? Doesn't anyone ever try resetting the headset and checking for issues? If someone did, they'd see that the device becomes unusable after a factory reset.

It's been months, and this issue remains unresolved. What should I do? Will I not be able to use the device anymore?


Honored Guest

Maby im in the wrong section right now, but im having issues connecting my headset via cable. I can perfectly conect it via airlink, but using my meta cable just dosent work. i plug it in and i get no responses, my headset dosent charge form it, it dosent give me a notification that i plugged in the cable, no nothing. all i know is that eveything i have right now is brand new, got a brand new pc, brand new head set and a brand new cable. i wish to have personal help from the folks at meta. 

Hey there @MELANCHOLY_org,

We appreciate you for taking the time to share your experience, we can see that you are having an issue with Meta Quest Link, we would love to look into this for you.

So that we can get a better understanding of your situation that you are currently experiencing, we would like to ask a few questions: 


  • Has Quest Link ever worked before?
  • When did the you first notice this behavior?
  • What else changed when you first noticed the behavior?
    • Did any of the devices (phone, headset, PC) receive any updates?
  • Have you attempted any steps to solve this issue yet?
    • If applicable and available, have you tried on another PC?
  • Is you PC compatible with our system requirements?
  • Does the headset work when not connected to a PC?
    • Test basic functionality (navigate menus, launch and use an app)
  • Are you connecting your USB cable to a USB 3 port?
  • What type of cable are you using? Try another compatible cable, if possible. For example:
    • Included USB Charging Cable
    • Meta Quest Link Cable
    • 3rd party retail cable 
  • How many other USB devices do you have connected to your PC?
    • Test with the bare minimum of USB devices connected to PC (just keyboard and mouse).
    • Try the cable with other USB 3 ports.

As soon as these questions have been answered, we will be able to determine the issue and see how we can assist you further.

If you wish for personal help from us, then you can always privately message us by selecting our name to get to our profile page, or clicking on this link here:
Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.

We hope this has helped you out, and we look forward to hearing from you

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

The main issue right now is that after formatting the device, it doesn't connect to the phone. This problem has been present since I first got the device. I need to format it occasionally due to intermittent connection issues. After formatting, I have to pair it through the phone app, but it gets stuck on the "connecting" loading screen and doesn't connect, no matter how much time passes.

I’ve tried different internet connections, created a new network through mobile hotspot, and even tried different devices, but nothing works. The only way I can establish a connection is by creating a new account. This issue has been ongoing for months.

Yesterday, I formatted it again. Since the device was still registered on the mobile app, I thought it wasn’t connecting due to a conflict. However, when I logged into the first account I created, I saw that the device had already been removed. I tried pairing the device again, but it still didn’t work. Once again, I had to create a new account to pair it.

Honored Guest
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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