3 weeks ago
I bought a Meta quest three at the beginning of July from Best Buy. At the time it was offering free three months of Meta-Quest+ and I didn't think anything of it. After a couple of months, I realized I couldn't remember if I'd purchased a warranty or not, and when I looked and saw Meta quest+ I thought, "Oh. I'm good." Completely confusing it with Warranty+.
Now, there is NOTHING wrong with my device. I love it, actually. But when I reached out to customer support they told me there was nothing they could do. I guess I understand. I mean, my device is still under the regular warranty. It is a little frustrating that I'm not asking for anything for free, I think it's a perfectly understandable, mistake, and you think any human being would say "OK no harm no foul." but their system will not ensure anything that was not bought in the last 60 days. So are there any companies that will offer extended warranties this far away from the purchase of an item? Again, there is nothing wrong with my device. Hopefully there is never anything wrong with my device. I'm just hoping that somebody out there knows of someplace that I can buy the insurance in case something ever goes wrong.
Thanks in advance,
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