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Through the ages sound stuttering badly on CV1 recommended spec

Honored Guest
Hi, so I have the recommended PC spec (Intel i5-6600, 8GB RAM, GTX970, Win10 64-bit, latest nVidia drivers 372.70 installed through GeForce Experience), and yet the sound of this VR video is stuttering. Anyone else have the same issue?

Also, I just updated the Oculus runtime to 1.8.0 (latest), issue keeps happening with that, too (and happened with whatever I had before, too).

Hmm. My PC isn't much higher than the recommended spec, (i5-4690k, AMD R9 290X, and 12gigs ram)  and I wasn't having any issues.

But then I also didn't notice the app having to buffer or do any additional downloading mid-use, like some people have reported.  There's some crazy inconsistency from user-to-user with this thing,  glad my experience was without issue.

What are your internet speeds usually like?
It's hard being the voice of reason when you're surrounded by unreasonable people.
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