03-09-2024 04:17 PM - edited 03-09-2024 04:21 PM
My left controllers thumbstick sensor just refuses to work correctly. it seems to think im always holding the very tip of my thumb on the leftmost part of the stick when my thumb is entirely covering the top of the stick. it also jitters my virtual thumb around a lot as well. when i put my thumb onto other parts like the buttons the sensors work fine and my thumb stays where it should be. is this a controller issue that i should get replaced by meta, is anyone else having a similar sensor tracking issue?
I had a quest 2, and the sensor based hand tracking was never this bad. also, my friend who also has a quest 3 has the exact same issue i do, same left controller same sensor causing issues for them.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that the left controllers trigger sensor ALSO does the same issue, my friend also has the same issue as well so i assume whatevers causing the first issue is causing the second.
03-18-2024 06:56 PM
Hey there, @Goobular! We were passing through the forums, and noticed that you were having issues with your Quest 3 left controller thumbstick. We completely understand how important having a well calibrated controller(s) and/or headset to your virtual experience, and wanted to jump on it to help out!
So that we can provide the best assistance possible for you, we do have a few questions for clarification:
We are looking forward to hearing back from you and working together with you on this!
03-19-2024 06:59 PM
Hey, hey! We were just checking in on you to ensure you get the assistance you need. We want to let you know we are still here if you need us! If you do still need assistance, please let us know by responding to our previous post and we will be more than happy to assist you.
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