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Tracking drops out on windows 11.

Honored Guest

I have been having this issue for a number of years, I kept myself running on a windows 10 install for the last year and i never have had this issue.

It happens both in air and cabled link, and is absolutely ruining my VR experiences.  

I'll be in whatever game, happens in whatever i play, things are fine for the first 10-20 minutes or so, and then i'll get a big lag spike, and my tracking decouples from my head movements. It looks very wobbly, jittery, and just generally uncomfortable. 


I have updated all my gfx drivers, i have updated oculus link drivers, I have tried running on my windows 11 SSD install, nothing works. I have also previously emailed support regarding this issue and the support was sub-par. at that point i just gave up and ran on windows 10 until microsoft forced the update on me. 


I would really like this resolved ASAP, I pay a subscription for iRacing and i am essentially unable to play it due to this problem. Thank you for your time, I really hope someone can help me through this problem

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