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Tracking isn't Working!

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My left touch controller has been acting up and wont let me move it. Yet I can still rotate it and see me pressing the buttons. This is a big problem for me since I mainly play beat saber and the same 10 songs that support 1 handed play get old FAST. 

I've tried restarting the software
I've Made sure nothing was blocking the sensor.
I've made sure i'm well within the guardian system

Currently i'm reinstalling my software to see if that'll fix it. Tho this has happened multiple times and every time I can wait a day and it fixes itself. Yet now this time it wont go away. I don't wanna reset all my stuff every time this happens. 

Update: I've just reinstalled the software and It.. Got... Worse.. Now it wont let me rotate the touch controller. It just sits where ever and stays there no matter what I do. I'm starting to think this is a faulty hardware issue.
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