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Trigger Sensors are buggy / Overly Sensitive since many months on two Meta Quest 3 Headsets.

Honored Guest

Heya everyone,

my Girlfriend and i both got a Meta Quest 3 around 8 months ago

somewhere in this time, around 3 months after we bought them there was supposedly a software update that made the trigger Sensors extremly sensitive, like i have my fingers on the trigger but it does a Fingerpoint Gesture all the time, flickering the Fingerpoint on and off all the time and it's extremly hard to even get the Finger to stay on the controller, almost impossible.


There are many other people having this problem too:


^ This topic has not been resolved. There was an answer that did not help at all and the post was closed as resolved, but the problem for anyone in this thread was never fixed and until today me and my girlfriend BOTH still have the same issue on BOTH Headsets and this issue is very likely a Firmware issue, that was never fixed by the Developers.


Since i'd like to actually play with my VR Headset without this Gamebreaking issue i come forward today and ask if anyone ever found a way to fix this issues? And yes, the basic answers these help threads receive like unpairing, cleaning, remove cosmetics etc. have all been tried already just as written in the other Threads here. 😞


Please let us know a fix, if there already exists one 😞


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello there!


We understand that you just want this fixed so that you can play with your headset without any problems and we would be more than happy to look into it to see how we can resolve this. What we would like to do is to continue this conversation via a private message.


Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here. From there, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message. We're eager to hear from you! 

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