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Two accounts on one headset, two differents UI

Honored Guest


On a Quest 3 updated to v72, I do not have the same UI than my son on the second profile.

I have the settings panel displayed with tiles ( < v71?)

My son has the new settings panel displayed as a list on the left side (v71 ?)

I also notice he has the calendar and not me.

I've allready learned all features doesn't come to everyone with updates. But that it could be on one profile and not the other on the same headset is really weird.

Why can't I just choose my prefered UI if available. I feel like a child under parental control.  I can even put my hands in config files if needed.



Honored Guest


Having two UI's on one device is bonkers. Different settings, window controlls attached to the top of winows in one profile and floating below (which I actually prefer) in the other, swipe keyboard experimental feature only avilable on the older looking UI. SO MUCH INCONSISTENCY.

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