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Two problems: one with left lens and other with screens. Please advise

Hi everyone!
I received the Rift 3 days ago and love it. It works great. I have no other problems with it except for described below.

First - left lens have this circle in the middle. It must be from the underside. Maybe it's not polished enough from back side during manufacturing process? I took the picture of it(2 pics below). Right lens does not have this issue and seems clear. It's only on left. Sorry for dust on picture. I only used included microfiber cloth gently to clean rift and I don't have problem with scratches or anything. It's just this ring on left lens from what I've found so far. I can kinda see light refracting on it in games and it looks like brighter spot in middle of my vision in left eye. Most of the time it's not noticeable but sometimes I can notice more glare in this place compared to right eye.

Again - what You see in pictures is not effect of lens flare from camera flash. It's there all the time.

And other issue is this pattern of grey dots visible on black background. It's like a stained pattern. Irregular but not changing from use to use. Much more prominent on left screen and less on right. Always look like this on whole black screen. Sometimes I can see the pattern through the dark images too. But this one seems weird. While it's always visible on whole dark screen, I am not sure if it's visible at other times too.

Easy to check on every black loading screen, on Dead'n'buried or in Bigscreen void. Looks like this (couldn't take a picture of it but it looks like very high ISO but only in parts of the screen like on image I recreated below)

I did not had problems like this on DK2... Maybe the second issue is caused by software(some pixels not turning off)?
But first problem I described seems like a lens defect.

Overall the screen door effect is much better compared to dk2 but the image seems "dirtier" if that's the word meaning anything.

I will wait for maybe getting support reply here. After that I might ask for refund or replacement if Oculus can guarantee that repacement unit will be free of those defects. No bad feelings. Its sale, lots of units produced and shipped. It can happen I guess.

Not applicable
I think its happening a lot more than you think. I'm on my second rift and this one seems much worse. The SPUD registry key resolves it but I'm unsure if it introduces other issues, God rays seem to be worse with SPUD off.

Unsure whether to keep the one i've got or get a refund and wait until these issues are resolved.  Maybe a firmware update will resolve it?  Oculus support a very quiet...   😕

So that pattern I see on part of screen in black scenes is SPUD setting ON or OFF? I prefer not to fiddle with registry or change anything on my own yet.

What about the weird circle on lens? Is that a defect that many have ?

Not applicable
The pattern you are seeing is with SPUD ON.  Apparently it has been turned on since an Oculus update in September.  The registry key is a very simple change, you create a key and put a 1 or  0 depending if you want SPUD enabled or disabled.

The circle on the lens doesn't look right. Do you noticed it when wearing the headset?


ruskie666 said:

The pattern you are seeing is with SPUD ON.  Apparently it has been turned on since an Oculus update in September.  The registry key is a very simple change, you create a key and put a 1 or  0 depending if you want SPUD enabled or disabled.

The circle on the lens doesn't look right. Do you noticed it when wearing the headset?

Ok I will try it when I get back home.

I do notice it a bit in some scenearios... or at least I think so. It seems like smudge in the center of my elft eye

Looks like a manufacturing defect to me. If you bought direct from oculus id raise a ticket.
If you got it from amazon then follow that route as itll be quicker
This is my forum signature.
There are many others like it, but this is mine.

As for the ring - I try to remember but can't check right now since currently without a Rift, my third unit is on the way to me. I actually THINK I had the "Ring" on the lens as well but think it was normal and part of the fresnel pattern.

Honored Guest
Hi , i have exactly the same problem with the loading screens when they turn black but is only noticeable in the left screen and only while loading i dont noticed this "grey dust " while  playing . did you solve the problem with spud change ? or oculus support ? 

i did changed the spud in registry and it worked great. the film grain is gone.and colors look good. god rays are running amok now though so it is a trade off

Honored Guest
Can you tell me how to change the spud registry ? I´ll be very glad . Thank you. And forgive me but what is a "God ray" ? 

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