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Two problems: one with left lens and other with screens. Please advise

Hi everyone!
I received the Rift 3 days ago and love it. It works great. I have no other problems with it except for described below.

First - left lens have this circle in the middle. It must be from the underside. Maybe it's not polished enough from back side during manufacturing process? I took the picture of it(2 pics below). Right lens does not have this issue and seems clear. It's only on left. Sorry for dust on picture. I only used included microfiber cloth gently to clean rift and I don't have problem with scratches or anything. It's just this ring on left lens from what I've found so far. I can kinda see light refracting on it in games and it looks like brighter spot in middle of my vision in left eye. Most of the time it's not noticeable but sometimes I can notice more glare in this place compared to right eye.

Again - what You see in pictures is not effect of lens flare from camera flash. It's there all the time.

And other issue is this pattern of grey dots visible on black background. It's like a stained pattern. Irregular but not changing from use to use. Much more prominent on left screen and less on right. Always look like this on whole black screen. Sometimes I can see the pattern through the dark images too. But this one seems weird. While it's always visible on whole dark screen, I am not sure if it's visible at other times too.

Easy to check on every black loading screen, on Dead'n'buried or in Bigscreen void. Looks like this (couldn't take a picture of it but it looks like very high ISO but only in parts of the screen like on image I recreated below)

I did not had problems like this on DK2... Maybe the second issue is caused by software(some pixels not turning off)?
But first problem I described seems like a lens defect.

Overall the screen door effect is much better compared to dk2 but the image seems "dirtier" if that's the word meaning anything.

I will wait for maybe getting support reply here. After that I might ask for refund or replacement if Oculus can guarantee that repacement unit will be free of those defects. No bad feelings. Its sale, lots of units produced and shipped. It can happen I guess.

Not applicable
SPUD registry key described here:

God rays are beams of light that radiate from bright objects, usually with dark background.  Google image 'God Rays' and you see what i mean. In fact, Google auto completes 'God Rays' with 'Oculus Rift', so that says a lot!

Honored Guest

ruskie666 said:

SPUD registry key described here:

God rays are beams of light that radiate from bright objects, usually with dark background.  Google image 'God Rays' and you see what i mean. In fact, Google auto completes 'God Rays' with 'Oculus Rift', so that says a lot!

Thank you so much !


HiCZoK said:

i did changed the spud in registry and it worked great. the film grain is gone.and colors look good. god rays are running amok now though so it is a trade off

If my next unit has the same SHHHH going on..and Spud works, I'd actually be fine with it. Possibly. I will see.
I don't know exactly how Spud will affect overall image quality, MAYBE it also does something like increase contrast which WOULD explain when people say they perceive more god rays. (More contrast would likely mean more god rays). Because god rays are of course a product of the optics, not the display or software.

Not applicable

flexy123 said:

HiCZoK said:

i did changed the spud in registry and it worked great. the film grain is gone.and colors look good. god rays are running amok now though so it is a trade off

If my next unit has the same SHHHH going on..and Spud works, I'd actually be fine with it. Possibly. I will see.
I don't know exactly how Spud will affect overall image quality, MAYBE it also does something like increase contrast which WOULD explain when people say they perceive more god rays. (More contrast would likely mean more god rays). Because god rays are of course a product of the optics, not the display or software.

I'm already on a second unit (as we discussed in another original post), this one is a bit worse. I think with current batch, you will almost certainly get a 'grainy' screen to some degree. Its going to be distracting even with the smallest bit of grain. Like knowing there is a dead pixel on the screen and homing in on it all the time.

It sounds like an Oculus lottery at the moment. I wish people who have received their 'flawless' rifts also contribute to the forums so we know thsy fault free' ones exist. I had to bump my original post until you replied.  I had 16 view prior to this.

I've kept the original support ticket open and I've asked if there is a hardware fault.  Some back and to emails and support still do not understand what my problem is.  Admittedly, its difficult to take the picture of the lens and my pictures are not great.  In my last reply, i've just asked them to look at many forum posts on the issue.

TBH, I'm not that impressed with the quality/resolution of the rifts screen anyway. I think its a limitation of the current hardware which will take a CV3 or CV4 to perfect. The initial robot touch demo was amazing and I felt presence. However, after trying the rift for a few weeks I've got used to the experiences and they feel OK. I feel sick after some of them! If they fix the FOV, resolution and ditch the wires, then Oculus are onto a winner. I think the touch controllers are a genius piece of tech tho.

Something that has just popped into my head: Summer of  Rifts sale price is made possible by installing inferior screens? Naaaaaaah surely? 🙂

TBH I am not 100% sure what your issue is either. Because you mention the "grainy screens", which sort of are normal (on a black background). You won't get a Rift or Vive which doesn't have at least SOME "grainy screen" (mura) going on. I could live with that. My problem is not the "mura" (grainy screen) itself but this greenish pattern/band. (The "grainy screen" is uniform all across the screen, the "greenish band" is not, it's like in a section of the screen on top of the "grains"). So even if those two things may be related, we're talking about two different things here I think. I would not RMA just because of mura. It's not pretty, no, but I rarely notice it and don't see as an issue. It's possible that you have just "normal mura" going on and support thinks so as well?

Nah. Its not banding problem for me. Its the grain filter on part of the screen visible especially on dark or black backgrounds. It is fixed with apud trick though.

Not applicable

flexy123 said:

TBH I am not 100% sure what your issue is either. Because you mention the "grainy screens", which sort of are normal (on a black background). You won't get a Rift or Vive which doesn't have at least SOME "grainy screen" (mura) going on. I could live with that. My problem is not the "mura" (grainy screen) itself but this greenish pattern/band. (The "grainy screen" is uniform all across the screen, the "greenish band" is not, it's like in a section of the screen on top of the "grains"). So even if those two things may be related, we're talking about two different things here I think. I would not RMA just because of mura. It's not pretty, no, but I rarely notice it and don't see as an issue. It's possible that you have just "normal mura" going on and support thinks so as well?

Grainy is probably not the right word I'm using. I do get the same banding like you have described. Its not as green but noticeable on dark scenes. I think we are talking about the same issue.

Honored Guest
Tried the SPUD workaround for mi "grainy dust screen" and it worked great ! As expected i now have more "god rays" but i prefer that to the dust . 
Another question SPUD is only ON or OFF ? or there are some kind tweak we can handle to calibrate the screen ?

I don't have "insider information" obviously, but I suspect this may well have to do with calibration. And what SPUD does is to load and apply these calibration files. (Similar as with a monitor where you can apply calibrated monitor profiles). But this calibration I am sure happens in the factory, using special sensors. So I do not *think* that there is a way to calibrate the screen for normal people.

One hypothesis about the current issue with the greenish banding is that it's a messed-up calibration done in the factory...which would essentially mean that the displays itself are ok but that it's the *.spud files (wrong calibration) which create the banding. This would also explain why it goes away (??) when spud is disabled.

I do not have banding, discoloration or grain with spud tweak. Just increased god rays.
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