08-23-2017 02:36 PM
08-24-2017 03:16 PM
08-24-2017 03:29 PM
ruskie666 said:
SPUD registry key described here: https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/6tca7t/why_you_may_need_to_disable_spud_oled_mura/
God rays are beams of light that radiate from bright objects, usually with dark background. Google image 'God Rays' and you see what i mean. In fact, Google auto completes 'God Rays' with 'Oculus Rift', so that says a lot!
08-24-2017 03:59 PM
HiCZoK said:
i did changed the spud in registry and it worked great. the film grain is gone.and colors look good. god rays are running amok now though so it is a trade off
08-24-2017 05:54 PM
flexy123 said:
HiCZoK said:
i did changed the spud in registry and it worked great. the film grain is gone.and colors look good. god rays are running amok now though so it is a trade off
If my next unit has the same SHHHH going on..and Spud works, I'd actually be fine with it. Possibly. I will see.
I don't know exactly how Spud will affect overall image quality, MAYBE it also does something like increase contrast which WOULD explain when people say they perceive more god rays. (More contrast would likely mean more god rays). Because god rays are of course a product of the optics, not the display or software.
08-24-2017 08:52 PM
08-24-2017 10:24 PM
08-25-2017 01:17 AM
flexy123 said:
TBH I am not 100% sure what your issue is either. Because you mention the "grainy screens", which sort of are normal (on a black background). You won't get a Rift or Vive which doesn't have at least SOME "grainy screen" (mura) going on. I could live with that. My problem is not the "mura" (grainy screen) itself but this greenish pattern/band. (The "grainy screen" is uniform all across the screen, the "greenish band" is not, it's like in a section of the screen on top of the "grains"). So even if those two things may be related, we're talking about two different things here I think. I would not RMA just because of mura. It's not pretty, no, but I rarely notice it and don't see as an issue. It's possible that you have just "normal mura" going on and support thinks so as well?
08-25-2017 02:40 AM
08-25-2017 07:56 AM
08-25-2017 04:20 PM
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