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Two problems: one with left lens and other with screens. Please advise

Hi everyone!
I received the Rift 3 days ago and love it. It works great. I have no other problems with it except for described below.

First - left lens have this circle in the middle. It must be from the underside. Maybe it's not polished enough from back side during manufacturing process? I took the picture of it(2 pics below). Right lens does not have this issue and seems clear. It's only on left. Sorry for dust on picture. I only used included microfiber cloth gently to clean rift and I don't have problem with scratches or anything. It's just this ring on left lens from what I've found so far. I can kinda see light refracting on it in games and it looks like brighter spot in middle of my vision in left eye. Most of the time it's not noticeable but sometimes I can notice more glare in this place compared to right eye.

Again - what You see in pictures is not effect of lens flare from camera flash. It's there all the time.

And other issue is this pattern of grey dots visible on black background. It's like a stained pattern. Irregular but not changing from use to use. Much more prominent on left screen and less on right. Always look like this on whole black screen. Sometimes I can see the pattern through the dark images too. But this one seems weird. While it's always visible on whole dark screen, I am not sure if it's visible at other times too.

Easy to check on every black loading screen, on Dead'n'buried or in Bigscreen void. Looks like this (couldn't take a picture of it but it looks like very high ISO but only in parts of the screen like on image I recreated below)

I did not had problems like this on DK2... Maybe the second issue is caused by software(some pixels not turning off)?
But first problem I described seems like a lens defect.

Overall the screen door effect is much better compared to dk2 but the image seems "dirtier" if that's the word meaning anything.

I will wait for maybe getting support reply here. After that I might ask for refund or replacement if Oculus can guarantee that repacement unit will be free of those defects. No bad feelings. Its sale, lots of units produced and shipped. It can happen I guess.


flexy123 said:

I don't have "insider information" obviously, but I suspect this may well have to do with calibration. And what SPUD does is to load and apply these calibration files. (Similar as with a monitor where you can apply calibrated monitor profiles). But this calibration I am sure happens in the factory, using special sensors. So I do not *think* that there is a way to calibrate the screen for normal people.

One hypothesis about the current issue with the greenish banding is that it's a messed-up calibration done in the factory...which would essentially mean that the displays itself are ok but that it's the *.spud files (wrong calibration) which create the banding. This would also explain why it goes away (??) when spud is disabled.

I think you are absolutely right in the spud tool, I am quite sure that it is a serious calibration problem at the factory, mysteriously it is not uniform, and when you disable it, to be a normal screen, I think you have With the paw with trying to eliminate the rays of God with that tool, and it is worse the remedy than the disease, with it activated you see less rays of God, just less .... because they are there, but it worsens very much the image quality , Muted colors, gray blacks, screen irregularities ...

you can extract the SPUD ohctfm files and look at them in an image viewer - it looks just like the noise you see with spud enabled, basically they are either applying the wrong SPUD files or applying them in the wrong way - thats why things look perfect for many folks when usespud=0 is applied.

oh i also have nearly 3 weeks of email back and forth on this issue with support - their lack of taking customers seriously on this issue is why i returned my rift to amazon today.  I was not confident they would fix it.

I ordered the Rift in the summer sale and had the Green Mura effect pretty bad on both lenses it was really distracting especially in dark scenes as the it would be all you could see being the closest thing to focus on. This was the new SKU with the softer padding The Mura was quite uniform on both lenses and worse at the bottom as it was like banding across from left to right. 

I finally got support to agree to RMA it and they sent me out a new unit... Looks like an older SKU as it had the thicker foam.. But alas this unit was also defective and felt even worse as the Mura was mainly in the right lens which produced a horrible feeling of the right eye being out of focus. The new unit also has a red line across the top of the display when using a DVI to HDMI adapter this did not happen on the first one.

I have submitted another ticket and now back in the process of trying to get another RMA sorted.. I'm new to VR and so far my experience has been awful and I'm wishing I didn't bother.

I tried the SPUD Tool to which does take it away but instead I have messed up colours and black levels. Resulting in red' ish grey and washed out blacks God rays are worse on this unit too.



Scyto said:

you can extract the SPUD ohctfm files and look at them in an image viewer - it looks just like the noise you see with spud enabled, basically they are either applying the wrong SPUD files or applying them in the wrong way - thats why things look perfect for many folks when usespud=0 is applied.

You'd first have to convert the data into images,the spud data itself is raw bytes with a 20 bytes header. But yes, in principle those are images.

It is correct what you say that the spud images "sort-of" reflect these artifacts (I am STILL not entirely discounting that some spud image sets might simply be wrong) but it's a little more complicated than that. At least according to my research.

The artifacts, the bands come IMHO as a combination of the spud images AND also as a combination of the display properties itself with these images. Means it's not as easy as just to edit the spud images - these must of course match the display properties. Say your display would have colour banding (which can happen since OLEDs are rarely perfect), then the calibration images must reflect this so that Spud can compensate for it. Problem is, this doesn't work right for whatever reason with some units.
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