11-30-2024 09:45 PM
Despite already having the v72 version, the UI does not update the sound part and the calendar does not appear. Then the new UI must not be working
12-01-2024 01:54 AM
@CarlosGama the rollout of features is fairly random especially on the PTC you may get some of the features but some may be withdrawn.
12-01-2024 04:52 AM
Thanks. Tenho um surface elite nao consigo instalar o remote desktop proque sao os snapdragon. Sabe se vai vir alguma soluçao com a microsoft para poder trabalhar no quest3?
12-01-2024 05:30 AM
@CarlosGama I don't think the current snapdragon chips are capable of running PCVR.
12-01-2024 05:51 AM
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