3 weeks ago
Hello Support Team,
I am unable to log in to my Meta account because I no longer have access to the phone number that I originally linked to the account. While I do still have the 10 recovery codes that were provided to me, none of these codes are working either.
I currently have access to my email and know the password for the account, but I am unable to bypass the two-factor authentication due to the issue with the recovery codes.
Could you please guide me on how to regain access to my account? I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your help!
3 weeks ago
You really need the assistance of Xiaospyplatform@ gmail.com, he's also on tiktok @ Xiaospy1 he has been helping people out of their account related issues, they just fixed mine successfully within 40 mins.
3 weeks ago
@MetaQuestSupport I am asking for your help... unfortunately I have not yet received an answer from you. But already from obvious scammers see the post above
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