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Unable to Move Past Pair Screen


My left controller stopped working.  I’ve been using my quest 2 with only the right controller.  I read that a factory reset might fix the issue.  I did that and now I can’t move pass the pairing screen because the headset won’t pair with the left controller.  Please help anyone?!



Hi @kirko_bane 🙂

without a second controller you won't be able to get past the screen.

Maybe you can borrow one from a friend to complete the setup?

Or maybe consider buying used controllers.....a VR headset with only one controller isn't that useful anyway.😉



I ended up buying from their OOW program.

Funny enough I was only using the quest 2 for Big Screen. My nephew was using it for Gorilla Tag but he figured out how to play with one controller.

Thank you!

My nephew was using it for Gorilla Tag but he figured out how to play with one controller.

I think, he will be more than happy that he can play with two controllers now.....double fun, I guess😅

@kirko_bane  until your new controller arrives,

Open up your mobile app and ensure the headset is connected to it. 

In the mobile app, select the browser app for the headset and launch the app from the browser. give it a few moments and you'll see the browser window open in the headset with the setup environment in the background. 

Click on 'manage settings' in the browser window which should launch the main headset settings window. 

From the main settings window, you can now enable developer mode, set link/airlink to start automatically when connected to a PC and you might be able to enable hand tracking, depending on what version of software your headset is on.

If you turn the headset off, you'll need to fire up the browser window with your mobile device again to get to the settings window. 

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR



I’ll give this a try and update you all if this works.

Thank you!

I gave it try and sadly since I did a factory reset the browser in app isn’t installed on my device or meta horizon. Plus the headset isn’t connected to my WiFi yet.

@kirko_bane  the browser app should be on your phone as it's one of the default apps that come with horizons OS, you may need to reinstall it onto the headset after the factory reset. Also the wifi can be enabled on the headset in the phone app settings.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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