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Unable to add Payment Method

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Please help I really want to buy stuff with my cash app card


Hey again @ORZ! We're just circling around if you have any questions or concerns, hoping all is well. We appreciate you for helping out our community, thank you, have a great one.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

I am glad to be of help. Thank you for your readiness to assist. 

You're most welcome, it's a pleasure to help all our customers! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

I'm also having this problem -- doesn't seem like chat support know how to fix it, other than saying wait 3-5 days for an internal ticket.

I'm just going to return the headset to Target for a refund I think

Hey there, @Sj0101, and thank you for bringing to our attention you're also experiencing issues getting started within the Meta Quest Wallet. While we understand you're working with our chat support, we know being able to have your card saved to the account is essential when making purchases on the go, so we do want to exhaust all our payment options in order for you to fully experience VR.

In the meantime, if you haven't already, another payment option could be to check out our Quest Cash. With this option, a card on file is not required, and you're able to keep money within your Meta Quest wallet and even send funds to those close friends and family in VR with you. As our team continues to look into this concern with you, do let us know if we can be of any assistance along the way! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

bro same i rlly want virtural desktop and amung us vr BUT IT WONT WORK pls hellp me ive been gto this riedt to this forum HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP! @MetaQuestSupport GET UR ASS! HERE NOW!

I'm getting the same issue. It looks more like a service issue on Meta's end, but they do not want to look into it. I see a lot of people in the threads encountering the same issue. While it may work on an earlier version of the mobile app, it may no longer be working on the current build. Meta, please look into your system and verify that there are no issues on your end. 


I see this "unable to add payment method" started back in 2022, and now in Dec 2024, I'm still experiencing the exact same problem!! unbelievable......
Right now, I still can't add any payment method to my wallet, neither on headset nor mobile app.  can't add credit card, debit card, nor Paypal.

I was FINALLY able to add my card through this website:

BUT when I tried to make a purchase in the store, still didn't work!!!!!!

got error message "Feature Unavailable"

WTH is wrong with this meta product. Ever since I opened the box 2 days ago, there's been issue after issue 

Don't Meta team do any quality assurance work before putting the product on the market?!

This payment method issue is ongoing for years. Does Meta not want to make any money from meta store purchases?!?!

Honored Guest

and also got other error messages like " Request Not Completed" when I tried to make purchase

About a year ago I refunded Quest 3. Same issue, payments blocked due „unusual activity”. Support wasnt very helpful back then. After a year I thought I’ll give them one more chance. So I wrote a ticket with the same issue, and guess what? they fix it after few days. I just used my debt $25 and purchased something for 10$. Now I can get my VRs back 🙂 I think the problem may accur, when you purchase apps from different devices, payment methods. So from now if I would buy something, I’ll use only one PayPal acc and device. Before I was purchasing via phonr, pc, and inside headset store. Because of that I had a lot subscriptions duplicated on my PayPal and that could be the case. Hope you

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