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Unable to enter Oculus Home after Set Your View in VR while use DK2

Summary of Issue
When I open Oculus, always show a message window: Oculus Hardware Error, Oculus has detected a hardware issue that is preventing you from setting up your Rift. Please check that your headset and sensor are connected.

And it shows Set Your View in VR after I click OK on the message window. And Continue in Your Headset shows at the right bottom corner.

But when I connect my DK2, orange light, can't have any view in the headset. And I don't have a remote or Xbox One Joystick, even I can see in headset, I can't continue. Actually It works at the first time, and I can see the message inside the headset. but when I think if I close the program I can pass this thing. It doesn't work when I restart the program.

Steps to Reproduce
I have my DK2 for testing. When I want to setup something, I click the wrong menu, sorry I can't remember which menu I clicked, it is in the right top, dropdown menu, maybe Set Your View In VR.

No matter I uninstall and install again or repair by the OculusSetup or restart the program or restart my computer. Always the same issue prevent me from enter the Oculus Home.

Expected Behavior
I want to skip this setup and enter Oculus Home.


and this is the log files gathered by OculusLogGatherer.

Awss4d0m4wnjt.pngAnd this is where I have been blocked.

Any one help? Please tell me how to get through this.

I finnally got the solution, hope to help someone like me.
Here is the solution, just delete the following folder and restart oculus & oculus service.


Honored Guest
I have no folder like this one

Honored Guest
I had the same problem. Make sure your sensor is hooked up to a USB 3.0 port because that fixed it for me.


jennal said:

I finnally got the solution, hope to help someone like me.
Here is the solution, just delete the following folder and restart oculus & oculus service.


This worked for me.  Make sure to stop the Oculus VR Runtime Service first.  If you're on windows, go to Start menu, then type "services.msc" (without quotes) in the search button, open it, then scroll down to look for it.  Right click it and click Stop, then delete sessions folder, then start the Oculus VR Runtime Service again.

Honored Guest
Thanks a lot, it worked also for me. By the way is there any setting available in order to use keyboard and/or mouse as input devices instead of the xbox gamepad?

Honored Guest
Where can I find the file? I went to oculus support and they said to do the same thing but I cannot find he file. 
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