10-13-2022 03:57 PM
I've been getting incredibly stressed lately as people I previously followed and that followed me back were not showing up in mutuals. When I search up their names [The problem consists of 3 people], I can only view their profile and am unable to message nor follow them.
There is absolutely no reason why this should be the case as we followed each other. I have confirmed that at least one person does have their fb linked as do I so that shouldn't be the problem. Meta seems to have absolutely no information related to a case like this so I hope not to get directed anywhere and just receive a decent solution if there is one.
08-26-2024 07:50 PM
It’s been years and you haven’t fixed this issue. You’ve only been making it worse with recent updates and it’s infecting more and more people. I can’t add back like a third of the friends I used to have now. Please stop sitting back and fix this issue finally.
08-27-2024 06:48 AM
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We at Meta want to help everyone make the most of our party chat function, have you tried the following troubleshooting steps?
If you are having issues with connecting to your friends in the Metaverse we would recommend trying to see if you can add your friends in the Meta Horizon Mobile App instead of the headset or vice versa.
If this does not work you can attempt a factory reset however we recommend only doing this as a last resort (and backing up your data to the cloud).
If this still doesn't work, submit a ticket with our support team so we can further assist you in finding a solution. 🙂
09-07-2024 05:05 PM
I have also had the same problem I met my friend from another followed and followed back but now all I can see is their profile but can't chat, call, etc. We found out because he tried gifting me something but u wouldn't show up at all no matter what we tried.
09-08-2024 11:38 AM
Hey there, @Raiderrrrrrrrr
We would love to look into this issue for you in more detail.
Can you send us a private message so we can investigate this with you?
To send us a private message, please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: https://metaque.st/CommunitySupport. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
a month ago
I'm having the same issue. Meta is doing NOTHING. I've been going back and forth with them on a support ticket and they keep sending someone new telling me to do all these things I've already done with the last support agents. They just keep you dangling until you give up. Keep pushing!
Did this answer your question? If it didn’t, use our search to find other topics or create your own and other members of the community will help out.
If you need an agent to help with your Meta device, please contact our store support team here.
Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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