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Unable to log into Meta account after 2FA application. No fix in sight.

Honored Guest

Since November 20th I have been able to login into my Meta account after applying 2FA. Even after PW change, Recovery code and "help" from Meta Customer "support" I am still locked out.

"Invalid Username or Password"

Meta has acknowledged the issue but has been unable to fix it.

Hundreds of dollars of games held hostage by an incompetent bunch of "engineers".

Non existent customer "support" consists of continuous corporate cookie cutter crap AI generated BS.

  • No questions are answered
  • No concerns addressed
  • No solutions given
  • No feedfack
  • No progress report
  • No empathy
  • No professionalism
  • No restitution
  • No competence

Whatever the result of this I will NEVER spend another dime on a Meta product EVER again.


  • Nov 21: "We are aware that some users have been experiencing log-in failures lately when attempting to access their accounts due to an error"
  • Nov 21: "We would like to inform you that we are aware of this as we have received numerous cases about it, and our team is actively working on a solution"
  • Nov 21: "Currently, our engineering team are working hard on finding ways to resolve this issue you are encountering, they will be reaching out to you as soon as this has been resolved."
  • Nov 22: "We are investigating the issue further and we will get back to you as soon as we have an update".
  • Nov 22: "We would like to inform you that we are aware of this as we have received numerous cases about it, and our team is actively working on a solution."
  • Nov 25: "I will now be looking into this matter further with our Higher Department for further investigation into this matter for you"
  • Nov 26: "We are currently collaborating with our extended team to thoroughly investigate your issue, and we will keep you informed on this every step of the way"
  • Dec 03: "I have contacted our Engineering Team and alerted them of the issues you are currently facing. As soon as a solution is found you will be contacted through email."
  • Dec 04: "I have been in contact with the Engineering Team today. They have stated that they are currently looking into this issue, but have not found a fix as of yet."
  • Dec 11: "Our team has been diligently working to fix the problem with your Meta account, and we are very close to resolving it."
  • Dec 16: "I assure you that we are still keeping an eye for the progress of your ticket and we will send you updates once we receive news of it's resolution."
  • Dec 21: "Based on our review, we have an ongoing issue on our system regarding logging into accounts. Rest assured, our engineers and developers are now working on this issue so that we can get back to you as soon as possible. We'll work diligently on this to get this resolved for you in no time."
  • Dec 26: "Our engineering team is still working for a fix to resolve your issue as we speak"
  • Jan 03: "there has been a delay in resolving the Meta login issue, and we have not yet received an update from our backend team"
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