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Unable to purchase Supernatural subscription

Honored Guest

Hi - I hope someone can help me with this. I have a Meta Quest 2. I had a subscription to Supernatural over a year ago and wanted to restart it. I have PayPal connected to my account for purchases. I clicked the Subscribe button, but got a message "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again later". I tried several times, waited a day and even did a factory reset on the headset. It still does not work. 

Please let me know what can be done to fix this.  Thanks!


Accepted Solutions

Honored Guest

This was resolved. It had something to do with the switch to Meta accounts. When I last used my Quest 2, it was through a FB account. I had to set up on Meta and on my phone, I was able to purchase the subscription. Once I did that and restarted my headset, the info flowed through just fine. I wish I had my three hours back that it took me to figure all that out.....

View solution in original post


Honored Guest

This was resolved. It had something to do with the switch to Meta accounts. When I last used my Quest 2, it was through a FB account. I had to set up on Meta and on my phone, I was able to purchase the subscription. Once I did that and restarted my headset, the info flowed through just fine. I wish I had my three hours back that it took me to figure all that out.....

Retired Support

Hi @trixart! I'm glad you were able to figure out what you needed to do for your account in order to make purchases again. 

Very helpful of you for also posting your resolution so others can see it as well!

“There are only four rules you need to remember: make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.” -Leonard Snart.
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