01-14-2025 09:15 PM
Long story short I am divorced and would like to remove my former step child from my account. they recently turned 13 and their birthday shows correct on their account, but I do not have the option to remove supervision. I don't want to close their account, but I don't see any option to remove them from my family on Meta or to remove the supervision.
01-15-2025 01:49 AM
HI @Irongiantreaper 🙂
After your stepchild's account has been turned from child to teen, you should be able to remove him/her from
family center.
What happens to a child’s Meta account when they turn 13 | Quest help
Remove supervision | Quest help
He/she should also be able to turn off supervision of his/her account..... can he/she do that?
Stop parental supervision | Quest help
If not, contact support.
Maybe his/her account is still considered a child account?
This would explain why you don't have the option to remove the account from family center.
Reach out to support by sending a PM @MetaQuestSupport
Click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.
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