12-31-2024 08:01 AM
I’m unable to use Link and AirLink on my laptop. Here are my system specs:
I can’t stream via either wired connection or AirLink.
I’ve been seeing a lot of errors in the logs. Despite trying many different solutions and researching the error codes, I haven’t been able to resolve the issue.
Some typical errors I’m encountering include:
Here is the full log:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jpMZO5c04yCy67CCLjs96B2g2s9qeYxm/view?usp=sharing
I assume many users are probably facing similar issues, but unfortunately, I haven’t been able to resolve mine.
I even reinstalled the system, configured Quest Link and OVR service 64 to use the 4070 GPU, and made sure USB ports do not enter power-saving mode.
However, the problem remains the same as before I reinstalled.
I also purchased a powered USB hub, but it hasn’t arrived yet.
It’s incredibly frustrating. I’ve contacted support multiple times, shared the full logs with them, and they’ve asked me to wait.
This has been one of the most difficult experiences of 2024.
12-31-2024 08:13 AM
@clabs have you tried the SteamLink or Virtual Desktop apps to stream PCVR content to your headset?
12-31-2024 08:20 AM
I need this computer for streaming to test Unity3D projects. SteamLink and Virtual Desktop might be a bit tricky, but I'll give them another try.
2 weeks ago
Did this ever get sorted? I can't find a solution anywhere for the WINUSB error. I need a wired solution that works, not Virtual Desktop or SteamLink wireless (and yes I bought a dedicated router and it didn't fix my problem)
2 weeks ago
Laptops are always a bit hit and miss but you have a fairly powerful one so it should work ok. To get my old Alienware 17r4 laptop to work I needed to go into my nvidia control panel global 3d settings and on the top option select it to use my more powerful nvidia gpu. I’ve also heard that some need to go into Bios settings and disable the integrated gpu (part of your intel cpu). USB problems can happen if they can’t supply enough power but this shouldn’t effect AIr Link so I don’t think a powered hub would make much difference. Good luck sorting this out mate. Hopefully support can identify what may be causing issues by reviewing your log files. Google how to send them these.
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