12-15-2022 05:46 PM - edited 12-15-2022 05:51 PM
After upgrading to Windows 11 the Oculus software says it needs an update (screen below), I follow all prompts, and it then dies before fully downloading (saying "check connection")
I have tried many of the ideas in the forums and while I have gotten it to load more, it has yet to get past 1Gof 5G
11-09-2023 01:13 PM
ive know sold the unit and upgraded to quest 2 .the issue that meta surport couldnt help me with .was i had a spinning wheel of death in the install of the setup.as it could find the rift s cable .the cable worked fine it just didnt like the version of windows 11 .i had cex test it all on a lower version of there windows and every thing worked .i must say the surport for meta is really really really poor
08-20-2024 01:04 PM
I ended up creating a new user in Windows 11. then the app installed. Now works on my original user profile.
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