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Unauthorized purchased by chils

Honored Guest

My child made a few purchases of shinny rocks for a gorilla game.  Is there a way to get a refund for this?


Accepted Solutions

Retired Support

Hey there!

Well that's no good! I never set up an unlock pattern on my Quest 2 and actually had to do this myself a few weeks ago. While most refunds can be taken care of yourself by following the instructions listed here. Shiny rocks fall under in app purchases, so you'll want to contact the developers of Gorilla Tag directly for this one.

Here's a link with a quick shortcut to where you can find them. Let them know in your message what happened, and in my experience, they follow up quite quickly.

To prevent anything like this from happening in the future, there are a few options available to keep your card info away from the kiddos. The first thing I did was set up an unlock pattern. Here's a quick breakdown for how to set that up on your account. It may also be a good idea to double check your PIN, here's some info about that.

One thing I didn't make happen for myself, but is totally an option, is setting up parental controls. Here's the info for that, as well.

You've got this, let us know how it goes!

Ad Astra Per Aspera, Trooper.

View solution in original post


Retired Support

Hey there!

Well that's no good! I never set up an unlock pattern on my Quest 2 and actually had to do this myself a few weeks ago. While most refunds can be taken care of yourself by following the instructions listed here. Shiny rocks fall under in app purchases, so you'll want to contact the developers of Gorilla Tag directly for this one.

Here's a link with a quick shortcut to where you can find them. Let them know in your message what happened, and in my experience, they follow up quite quickly.

To prevent anything like this from happening in the future, there are a few options available to keep your card info away from the kiddos. The first thing I did was set up an unlock pattern. Here's a quick breakdown for how to set that up on your account. It may also be a good idea to double check your PIN, here's some info about that.

One thing I didn't make happen for myself, but is totally an option, is setting up parental controls. Here's the info for that, as well.

You've got this, let us know how it goes!

Ad Astra Per Aspera, Trooper.
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