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Undelivered Order and Ignored Support Requests




I placed an order for the Meta Quest headset on December 31st. Delivery was promised between January 3rd–5th, but as of January 12th, I still have not received my order. My account shows the status as "delivered," which is not true.


I have contacted customer support multiple times but received no response. The delivery date was initially moved to January 8th, but there have been no updates since.


This order was meant to be a gift for January 7th, and this situation completely ruined the occasion. If this issue isn’t resolved soon, I will contact my bank for a chargeback and file a complaint with consumer protection authorities.


Please help resolve this issue.


I would appreciate any a



Rising Star

Was there no tracking number provided?

I know just enough about tech to look like I know what I'm doing.

My order has a tracking number, but there’s no movement on the postal service side. The delivery date was postponed a couple of times, and that’s where it ended. The main issue is that my Meta account shows the order as "delivered," which means my 14-day return window as a consumer is running out. Once that period ends, it will be even more difficult to get my money back.



You could contact the shipping company handling your package and provide the tracking number to get more information.

And notify that their company sent an error to meta stating the shipment was already delivered.  Provide a screen shot if needed. The mistake falls on them to fix.

I know just enough about tech to look like I know what I'm doing.
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