12-08-2024 08:16 AM
Hi There,
My facebook profile is suspended for a linked instagram account that isn’t hers violating rules. The hackers instagram account is vuvannhirzsuo6o. This is not my instagram account.
Lots of precious memories on Facebook, please can someone help me get my account back.
Kind Regards
12-08-2024 08:18 AM
Thank you for reaching out to Meta Quest Support!
We completely understand that this is not the experience that you would like to have on Facebook.
However, at Meta Quest Support we provide support for Meta Quest products and services only; so we are not able to assist you directly with your Facebook account.
We highly recommend that you visit the Facebook Help Centre, where you may be able to find the resources to assist you in recovering your Facebook account.
We understand that this isn't the response you were anticipating, however we greatly appreciate your understanding and patience. If you have any questions regarding Meta products in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help!
12-08-2024 08:24 AM
Hi There,
I tried through facebook help centre but I cannot login to my account and I need your help in this regard. Please help me get back my account.
12-08-2024 08:27 AM
As we mentioned earlier, we do not posses the relevant resources to assist in Facebook and Instagram related issues and therefore, as much as we wish to help you in this, we wouldn't be able to provide any assistance.
We request you to get in touch with Facebook's dedicated support team in order to get any help in this issue.
12-08-2024 08:44 AM
I tried so many options. Can you suggest me any link where can i get support from facebook support?
12-08-2024 10:16 AM
A lot of users are facing this issue right now (if both account are connected with centre of Facebook or Instagram ) and on of account are post something else then both account will be suspended and disabled.
If you are facing the same issue you will got a option to appeal to Facebook or Instagram in 180 days so you should make an appeal.
Also try to contact with meta support team by going business support home of meta.
On of my client are having the same issue her Instagram has been hacked and due to hacking incident her both account got disable and on behalf my client i contact with meta support team and now I successfully restore the account by contacting with meta support team.
Hope it will helpful for you;if you want to know more please reply here and one more important thing that here you will not be able to get any help related with your Instagram or Facebook account because it's a community forum
12-08-2024 04:22 PM
Thanks for the info. Can you help me witha link that I can try to connect with the support team of facebook?
Thank you
12-10-2024 12:42 AM
Yes you can search on any browser by typing business support home Facebook then click on the Frist website that will appear on your search result.
12-29-2024 11:58 AM
The same thing happened to me. I talked to meta business support. After hour of chat and phone, finally she said my scope is only for the advertising concerns and there is no option to send the issue to someone else and closed the case. Did you talked to tech support? How did you reach them? Thanks
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If you need an agent to help with your Meta device, please contact our store support team here.
Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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