11-23-2024 09:39 PM
My personal Facebook account was suddenly disabled and unable to log in for 70 days. This account, which only shares spiritual information, has been closed, which has caused us great heartache.
I am not working against any individual or society by using this account. I kindly request you to allow us to continue to operate our account.
I am not able to know exactly why this account was suspended. If anything goes wrong beyond my own knowledge, steps will be taken to correct it in future.
I am unable to find out the reasons regarding my account being disabled. I have submitted many appeals But no response was received. It saddens me.
I have been running this account for more than 7 years without any errors. I have shared many articles which benefit society. Now I was unable to retrieve many valuable community benefit articles. I'm saddened to lose all my hard work over the years.
I have sent many requests by using different contact information found through Web search engine But my account keeps getting suspended. I kindly request you to help me.
Thank You
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