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Unofficial "black smear correction" (Unity Package inside)

Heroic Explorer
I have not yet heard any complaints about the way I approached "black smear correction" in Titans of Space DK2, and it seems to be fairly effective as a temporary solution until Oculus can provide a workaround/solution as part of the SDK/hardware itself. Even so, I'm not claiming that this approach is ideal in any way.

Below is a Unity package containing a simplified version of the black smear correction I am using, which essentially is just a brightness and contrast adjustment. The default values are what I'm using in Titans of Space, but you're free to fiddle with this to see if you can find something more optimal for your own scenes.

Download link.

Simply import it into your project and inside the BlackSmearCorrection folder you will find a README.txt that contains short instructions on how to use.

Hope it helps!
  • Titans of Space PLUS for Quest is now available on

Not applicable
Tried the latest version of Titans yesterday, and the blacksmear correction was perfect. More than I dared to hope could be achieved. The only improvement could be no blacksmear issue at all in hardware, imo.

Honored Guest
Thanks for this!

Honored Guest
Thank you so much for sharing, very helpful!

This post has just made my morning!

Drash your a star! Its been the one thing plaguing both my current projects, well, one of the main things. Back to DX11 not displaying on the rift!
Affected - The Horror Experience - DK2 Now OUT! Download on Oculus Share

Honored Guest
Thank you SO much!
This needs to be more visible!

Expert Protege
yes - this should be listed among the official downloads, because it really makes such a big difference!!

thank you so much for sharing this Drash! I can see the stars now as they should be 🙂
check out my Mobile VR Jam 2015 title Guns N' Dragons

Expert Protege
I used the script in a fresh project - and I can not figure out why, but the Rift stays black when I use it.
I use deferred rendering and DX11, but I do use the same in a different project where it works fine.
So I am completely at a loss - maybe you encountered it before?
check out my Mobile VR Jam 2015 title Guns N' Dragons

Honored Guest
Everything is very white for me and the adjustable values does not change anything. Any idea?
Left without the correction, right with it.
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