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Unresolved account issue ticket 07614641

Honored Guest
I've been directed to this forum today by meta live chat support so a moderator can pick up my problem to look into further?
I found these forums myself when looking for ways to escalate my problem and actually PM'd a community manager 2 days ago.
I've yet to hear back from them but thought I'd post to see if anyone else could help or offer some advice on getting my problem escalated.
My problem started in Oct last year when I was required by meta to verify the age on the account used by my son. At the time my son was 12 and so he had to have a parent managed account. I went through the process on the meta website which made me an account to manage his which I verified by credit card. His account has kept all the purchases he had made.
Everything seemed to go fine but I cannot add my sons account to his meta 3 and if I login to as my son I get redirected to an Upload your ID webpage. If I click the "upload ID" button I get the error "Sorry, something went wrong
We're sorry, but there's a technical problem with this feature. We're working to fix it." I've tried multiple devices and browser with no change to the error.
Support have told me the account shouldn't close as the issue is being investigated but I'm still getting emails saying the account will close unless I verify the age. I started at 80+ days and now have 4 days to verify the age. I'm not confident the account won't close as support on this matter has not been great.
I've lost track of how many email and live chats I've had and I'm no closer to getting this resolved. My son's account has about £200 worth or purchases so don't want to just start a new one and lose this.
Has anyone had an account problem like this that was successfully fixed and if so how did you go about it.
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