01-08-2025 04:40 AM
Dear Meta Support Team,
I am writing to urgently follow up on my appeal regarding the suspension of my Instagram account, which I submitted on January 6th. The notification I received stated that the review would take just over a day, but I have yet to receive any response, and my account is still inaccessible.
I have had this account for 13 years, and it holds invaluable memories, connections with friends worldwide, and the documentation of my travels and work over the years. I did absolutely nothing to violate Instagram’s terms, and I am struggling to understand why my account was suspended without any clear explanation.
To further prove my identity, I submitted a video as requested, but have not received any feedback or update on its status. The lack of communication and transparency is deeply concerning, especially as I have no way of contacting support directly or accessing any form of assistance.
I kindly request that you prioritize reviewing my case and provide me with a clear explanation of the issue, along with a prompt resolution. This account is of immense personal value to me, and I am losing the ability to connect with my network and access years of memories.
Please respond at your earliest convenience. I am eager to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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