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Urgent Help: Wrongful Account Disabling for Alleged Community Standards Violation


Hi Meta Community and Support Team,


I'm seeking assistance regarding my disabled Facebook account. On [insert date], I received a notification that my account was permanently disabled for allegedly violating Community Standards related to "child sexual exploitation."


However, I strongly believe this decision was made in error. The flagged content was simply an AI-generated dancing baby animation, which contained no harmful or inappropriate material.


I've already appealed the decision, but I was informed that no further reviews are allowed. Now I am completely locked out of my account and cannot access my data or communicate further with Meta.


This account holds significant memories and important connections, and I kindly request that my case be reconsidered by an actual human reviewer who can better understand the context.


Steps I've Taken So Far:


1. Submitted an appeal, which was denied without further review options.



2. Attempted to download my account information, which was limited.



3. Tried reaching support but have not received a response.






Please guide me on how I can escalate this issue or connect with someone at Meta for further assistance. I truly believe this was a misunderstanding and would appreciate the opportunity to recover my account.


Thank you for your time and understanding.







I forwarded the video and the The meta bot detected it as a Child sexuality I don't wanna saved that video because I'm using my mom's phones and all of a sudden my account got disabled on November 11 

As you mention you already submitted your appeal which was denied without for the review option now there are only one option that is you need to contact with Meta pro team or support team and need to request to them to take a manual review for your account and it will possible to recover your account regarding the reason of disabling your account.

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