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User select screen just don't show up in my living room

Honored Guest

This is driving me nuts and can't figure out why is happening.

For some unexplainable reason, when i plug on the headset on my living room, user select screen dont show up, it only shows for a brief second when i twist my head, and only sometimes.... When i move to the corridor, it apears fine.... like WHUT?. This also aplies to the shutdown option screen. And the worst of all is that my play area is set on my living room O_o

Is there any shortcut to reset location, or reset physical area, or something like that? cause im afraid of taking the headet somewhere else, like a friends house, and be like, OH NO, i have to go back home to my corridor to select a profile xD.


I have a Quest 3 and the official battery extension, and bought it just a week ago.

My corridor is within the house, with no windows and pretty dark the hole day. its like a metter wide (Sorry, im European xD), and theres a full wall mirror on the end. My living room is pretty straightforward, no wirrors or anything alike, and a big wallsize window in the east side, its quite luminous most of the day, but this happends anytime of day. Theres also a safety cam with 2 infrareds perpetually on but thats not the issue, i just turned it off to try and still didn't work.

I just tried wondering arround the whole house, in some rooms shows sometimes, in others dont at all. Doesn't show in the entrance, wich is quite as dark as the corridor and have a similar giant mirror, but hes favourite room is definitely the corridor xD


Expert Trustee

@eviltony13  go into the settings >  Environment Setup > Boundary, and clear the boundary history. It should then ask you to create a new boundary. 

Pressing and holding down the meta button on the right hand controller should reset your view.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

I already tried both cases, and none work.

Also, meta button only works once you've selected a user, but doesn't do anything on the user select screen, nor pressing or holding it...

Honored Guest

I was struggling with this all night i seen your post and found nothing on this just factory reseting was the "problem solver" but i didnt want to do that. no clue why it worked but I put a blanket over my head so the headset couldn't track anything and turned it on underneath the blanket and then the user select came up lol let me know if this works for you too. 

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