4 weeks ago
Believe it or not, this is just a summery:
I recently bought a new cell phone and installed Facebook. It when I tried to login to my FB account, it made me login in to a meta account. It also created a new FB page without asking me to do so. Now, I cannot get to my old Facebook page. I also cannot get to my Instagram account. Whenever I try to access anything, it sends me to the new meta account with the new, empty FB page. If I delete all my browsing data, I can still reach my original (real) FB page and Instagram under this url: https://accountscenter.facebook.com/profiles, or by typing in the url and going directly to the pages. I tried going to my meta account (do I know have more than one?) and adding my Facebook there, but it would not let me add it because it said it was attached to an Oculus account. I followed the directions which forced me to open a meta horizon account which does not recognize my oculus (thrown away years ago) and did not recognize my FB account at all. I tried deleting the new, empty FB account, but when I did, it would not allow me to access my old FB page. This made me fear that it was deleting the old FB page instead of the new one, so I cancelled the deletion. If Facebook and Instagram are now part of Meta, why do they not show up under one of my Meta accounts?
All I want is to access my (original) FB and Insta accounts, and delete everything else. Does anyone have any ideas other than reading the useless information in the help centers? Is there a way to speak to a human that can explain what is going on? Help would be immensely appreciated!
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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