11-23-2024 07:41 AM
i use quest link to play beat saber, after i updated to v71 quest link has messed up haptics: it rumbles when it's not supposed to, it doesn't rumble when it's supposed to, it rumbles too much sometimes, and sometimes it rumbles longer than it's supposed to, i am sure it's a quest link issue because it doesn't happen without questlink
12-01-2024 09:05 AM
Not sure if it's Quest Link specific; I've encountered the same issue with a Quest-specific app (specifically PowerBeatsVR) immediately after updating to v71, and frankly it's driving me crazy. I actually came here to see if anyone else is noticing this issue, and apparently so.
I'd reach out to Meta support, but... yeah. I've done that before, and it's frankly never worked.
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