03-02-2024 01:22 AM
Hey, I use HTC vive and since the last update of VR hands (Roblox) i havent been able to type when in VR, no matter what option i pick at the beginning of the game where it lets you pick which VR you're using. is there any fix to this at all? usually what i'd use to pull up the typing menu just makes me move like my other controller does, i dont know why this happens and im wondering if it happens to anyone else and if theres a fix.
03-02-2024 01:27 PM
Hey @sawyer81! Since this is a Meta Quest forum, a majority of users here might not have experience with an HTC Vive, nor that specific Roblox map to be able to help you out. If you're having issues typing with your Vive as a whole or just in Roblox VR, it might be worth reaching out to Vive, Steam, and/or Roblox support to see if they have any specific troubleshooting for that issue.
Hope this helps!
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