12-15-2024 06:12 AM
I went round to a friend's last night to try this new VR tech. I had tried it a few years back and wasn't really impressed but now the headsets are much lighter which helps freedom of movement. The overlay boundary thing is great or better useful. And the general ergonomics and aesthetics is much better than I recalled. It's fair to say trying Half-life Alyx, RES7 among other things was eye opening. Immersive, much better than expected and there's very little hype about it which I found strange. And it's one for those things that to see 2D renditions if 3D games on YouTube absolutely does not do it any justice. The flight simulators among other things were fantastic. I mean I bet VR really finds it's place with true simulations but still these games are fantastic.
12-15-2024 07:18 AM
@aaiuap1 so, you need help with your username, yes? 😉
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