12-30-2024 09:26 AM
I just Bought my 3s VR, i tried to use Airlink via the internet but my internet is slow, so i bought the VR Cable Link, and still even when using it it doesn't work, i don't know what is the problem, it says my system is not compatible with Rift, but i am using 3s.
what happens is when i put the cable it says connected in the horizon app, when i lunch the air link in the VR it gets Shakey like someone has a seizures , it shows waves of the image, black screen with mirroring images of the same image.
how to solve that?
12-30-2024 09:34 AM
@3modi1 what graphics card do you have in your PC, is it shown on this list?
Windows PC Requirements to use Meta Quest Link | Quest help | Meta Store
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