07-30-2023 06:59 AM
My oculus 2 came up saying tracking was lost and both controllers were repeatedly buzzing every minute or so.
I could not select anything on the screen due to the controllers buzzing.
so after reading posts on here, I did a factory reset after all other options failed to help the problem.
after the factory reset my screen has continued to stay black after the logo shows. I can hear the music and the black screen does not flicker etc, it is just solid black.
my son has since told me he banged it when last playing on it. Can this be repaired? How do I repair it? What can the issue be as I cannot see any physical damage on the headset.
08-01-2023 10:01 AM
Hey there, @Stevencaleb123! We know what a pain it can be when your headset has issues. We can definitely lend you a hand with your black screen! So that we can get to the bottom of this, we'd like to invite you to a PM.
Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: https://metaque.st/CommunitySupport. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
12-15-2024 01:23 PM
What was the fix? Pretty frustrating that every help topis leads to nothing because service sets up a private chat. This is stupid.
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