01-03-2025 01:47 AM
So Basically, I tried installing VRChat on Meta quest link, but it just stops before even starting. giving me this error
(translation: "We couldnt install VRChat, Please Contact the meta quest support to get Help")
tried it with my quest 2 linked and it still didnt work. My friend though got it installed on his pc flawlessly.
i already contacted the live support 3 times now for the past 4 days and I got no help. they Kept telling me to restart my pc which did not help in any way.
01-03-2025 04:21 AM
Hi @lIR4WRIl 🙂
you can try if changing your library location to another hard drive than C can solve that....I did work for me with another game.
You can do that in the link app on pc: settings - general - library location - edit (Einstellungem - Allgemein - Speicherorte der Bibliothek - bearbeiten)
01-03-2025 05:09 AM
Hi Choleni
The Standard Location is already on another hardrive. i tried going from the current to C: thinking maybe that will work but it still wont.
01-03-2025 06:31 AM
I've just uninstalled vr chat and then reinstalled it.
It downloads without issues, so I think, it must something with your pc.
Maybe contact support again and includes your logfiles ....maybe they can see what's wrong.
Collect headset logs for your Oculus Rift S | Quest Help
01-03-2025 09:42 AM
So i got the log .ZIP but how do i give it to them? i see no options to drop anything into the support. or do i just use OculusSetup.log and paste everything inside?
01-03-2025 09:57 AM
Sorry, you said, you were already in contact with support..... I thought via email.
Click on "this did not solve my issue" on the following link......it'll bring you to email. contact with support where you can attach the file.
Good luck!🙂
01-06-2025 03:29 AM
Hi! so Meta Responded and who wouldve guessed?: The again said Restart your pc and so on.
For PC VR:
Disconnect the headset from the computer.
Reboot the headset (Power Cycle) for Meta Quest Link.
Turn off the computer - do a full shutdown, not just a restart.
Wait 30 seconds.
Turn the computer back on.
Reconnect the headset to the computer.
Check the mobile or PC app and update the software:
Check the library in the mobile or PC app. Games can be launched from the app when displayed there, but not in the headset. This should also cause the headset's library to update its contents.
Check for updates in the standalone headset software and the mobile or PC app. Pending system updates may take priority over library updates. Check your library again after installing all system updates.
Sign out of your account:
Disconnect the headset from the computer.
Sign out of the Meta Quest Link app.
Restart the computer.
Also restart the headset (power cycle).
Log back into the Meta Quest Link app.
Reconnect the headset to the computer.
(what they told me in the mail)
now i gotta wait again for the mto answer to my Answer mail.
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