12-30-2023 04:15 PM
While playing the Vegas infinite game I cannot get my mic to unmute. It will work in any other game, but not Vegas infinite. I see on the back of my hand, the speaker with the red/through it, I turned my hand over and I see a microphone with a slash through it. I touch it probate. It doesn’t do anything. Above my menu I see the mic with a slash through it when I touch it I see a fist above that, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. Please help
01-17-2024 04:02 PM
Hey hey @donald852! I know its been a few weeks, but I saw your post and wanted to do what I can to help out. While I haven't personally played Vegas Infinite, I know how important it is to be able to use your mic in all kinds of games, so I want to at least give you some steps to try and point you in the right direction!
The first step I would suggest is a reboot of your headset to see if that gets your game working right with your mic. Since this is only happening in Vegas Infinite, the next step I would suggest trying is an uninstall and reinstall of the game itself.
If after that you're still unable to unmute yourself in game, I would suggest reaching out to the Vegas Infinite developers for further help here. They should be able to help you out a little more and give you a more definitive answer!
12-06-2024 08:25 PM
same issue, did you happen to find a solution?
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