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Vermillion Menu


Help!!! downloaded Vermillion but no menu feature is coming up so can’t access anything.

I have the easel, but no canvas, no tutorials no instructions nothing! What should I be looking for please? I’ve noticed an eye icon on some tutorials, but I don’t have that on the app.

is this a software issue or hardware, as in , my brain 🧠 Somebody please help it’s so frustrating!


Accepted Solutions

Retired Support

Hey hey @lindz.57996! I know I love all kinds of VR painting games, and I've been meaning to check out Vermillion myself. That being said, it must be hard to start painting when you don't have a canvas or any instructions!

Since I haven't played myself, I don't know if there are any quick tips or tricks to get things to show up. The best suggestions I could find online were that you have to complete the tutorial, but it sounds like you can't even get to that point. I'd highly recommend reaching out to Vermillion's developer support for more help, and you can find their Discord link here

Keep me posted on if you get it working!

Make sure you smash that Kudos button!

View solution in original post


Retired Support

Hey hey @lindz.57996! I know I love all kinds of VR painting games, and I've been meaning to check out Vermillion myself. That being said, it must be hard to start painting when you don't have a canvas or any instructions!

Since I haven't played myself, I don't know if there are any quick tips or tricks to get things to show up. The best suggestions I could find online were that you have to complete the tutorial, but it sounds like you can't even get to that point. I'd highly recommend reaching out to Vermillion's developer support for more help, and you can find their Discord link here

Keep me posted on if you get it working!

Make sure you smash that Kudos button!

Thank you so much @BlueberrieSmoothie,  i will try that out when i get on this evening  🤩

Sounds like a plan! Keep me posted. 😁

Make sure you smash that Kudos button!
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