01-02-2025 05:49 PM
Purchased a new Meta Quest 2 in Nov. of 2022. We lightly used it, maybe a few times a month. Kids tried to turn it on today and we got the “black screen of death” as referred to on google. I tried all the troubleshooting tips, hard reset, boot menu, factory reset, with no luck. After getting on a help chat with customer service, all that “Pamela” could offer me was a refurbished unit starting at $159. No repair options, no more troubleshooting, just letting me know it was out of warranty and wasn’t covered for anything. She then sent me the wrong link for me to leave my review AND THEN called me by the wrong name. I’m extremely frustrated by the whole situation and will not be purchasing any more of their products. Not only am I disappointed in the product itself, but mostly in the customer service.
01-02-2025 06:10 PM
Maybe try contacting meta support again via email. You might be lucky and get a more sympathetic support person. Since your Q2 is well out of warranty i think it’s a bit unrealistic to expect miracles imho.
If I were you and you really want VR I’d probably just buy a nice new Q3s. Otherwise, maybe just give VR a miss for now.
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