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Video codec or format doesn't play in Oculus Rift

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We're using the 'Oculus Video' app (the one with the purple icon) to test our own VR videos, after placing them in the Windows 10 'Videos' folder. Most of the time it works fine, but sometimes they don't play. It seems to be related to using a "high-end" configuration of h.265 with high resolution. I attach the info of one example that refuses to play in the default installation. 

Now we've been told that perhaps there's a need to install some supplemental codecs. Questions are: (1) Which and how? (2) This is a brand new Windows 10 huge desktop that meets all the requirements (and even much more)... so why is there such a need? (3) Eventually we're going to embed all those videos into our own app for out users. Will they be forced to install supplemental codecs as well?! 


Honored Guest
I have the same issue, just noticed too that its related to the h.265 configuration. It would be super useful if the official oculus support would add a full list of what is compatible and what is not out of the box in the Video app. Currently it only shows some help on how to add _360 extension to make VR videos show correctly but not much else.

Expert Protege
I used the Oculus Video app for about ten seconds then gave up on it

Now I watch all my videos using whirligig, far more options and no codec or video resolution problems. Its far from perfect but hopefully it improves over time

Honored Guest
I tried about 5 vr players and imo Whirligig is very far above most but better than all.
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