03-28-2021 09:50 PM
Earlier today, I was able to view 3D photos posted on Facebook on the Quest 2 with the option to go full screen with full depth.
The browser updated, and now that option is no longer there. Is there a way to revert back to that facebook version, or a different way to view the photos with true depth again? It was a really cool feature while it lasted, and would love to get it back.
10-24-2021 10:07 PM
Wish I could help, but ust adding a +1. I have the same issue. An image uploaded Feb 20, 2021 was tagged as Facebook 3D Photo and worked properly on the headset. An image uploaded May 2021 was uploaded in the same way, and is not tagged as Facebook 3D Photo, and does not appear properly in the Quest. This feature really should be fixed so it can help showcase the Quest AND Facebook.
10-25-2021 12:04 PM
Hey there fabuloaf!
We have looked into this issue for you, once you have updated to the new version, there is not a way to revert back to the original version.
However, you can improve your Refresh rate and Render Resolution. Refer to this Oculus Support article when needing assisting with How do I adjust my graphics performance preferences?
Have a legendary week. 👻🕹
10-25-2021 01:20 PM
Hi Oculus Support,
Thanks for the quick reply, although you replied to me and referenced fabuloaf. I imagine your response came because my reply bubbled the post to the top, or because I referenced this post in a support ticket last night (support ticket 3466559). But thank you for the response nonetheless.
I think you missed the point of the issue. The point is to make the functionality work again. This has nothing to do with Refresh rate or Render Resolution. Can we explain more to better help you understand the issue? Or please look at ticket 3466559 which may help you understand.
A fix to the issue might go a good way toward making our weeks legendary.
06-03-2022 08:59 AM
Any update on this issue? I still can't view 3D facebook photos anymore since the browser update
12-16-2022 01:19 PM
Bumping this yet again. I noticed the same recently on my original Quest. Just posted a new 3D photo, can no longer view any facebook 3D image in VR. Why was this feature removed? Is there a way to at least save the image locally so it can be viewed in VR via the TV app? Firefox reality browser still sort of supports it, although it's output can be odd. I would ask you add this feature back in to the native Quest browser or the actual Facebook app. maybe more folks would use the dedicated app if you included the ability to view 3d photos again. Was planning to upgrade to a Quest 2 but this is yet another Meta move that makes me weary.
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