01-05-2025 01:46 AM
Hi guys/girls
For no apparent reason my wallet has been restricted on the meta quest 3s. I was happily buying games with no issues beforehand and suddenly that changed a little over a week ago ! I’ve gone through the process of verifying myself through email on multiple occasions and still nothing has changed. It’s annoying the life out of me can anyone help me please ?!?
01-05-2025 08:03 AM
I have experience of the same issue right after Christmas bought two games now my wallet is restricted tried various things to try different cards and nothing will work. I’ve been in contact with tech-support through various chats and emails for almost 2 weeks and I have not gotten anywhere besides giving my information and that’s it. Don’t hear anything from them and it is extremely frustrating and I am go to return my Meta quest 3s. It’s pretty bad that a large company like this one of the top year suppliers and can’t even talk to a person. I can’t get anything fixed and all you do is wait. I’ve looked at various forms and this has been an issue for over a year. many people waiting several weeks To have this resolved, but nobody give any information how it’s done
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