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WebVR = Firefox stuck on "Loading..." indefinitely

Not applicable
Hey guys, I see people have had this issue before but none of the solutions are working for me. I don't know if this is an Oculus issue or a Firefox issue.

I'm using Oculus Rift S and it has been great. I love it, girlfriend loves it. I watched WebVR content multiple times since owning it. For the past few days however, whenever I click on a webVR link to switch into headset mode, my oculus brings up the firefox loading window and doesn't change or move no matter how long I leave it. The website will change the window into the dual screen, the website tracks the headset movements, the sound comes through the rift headset, but no video plays in the headset.

I have tried installing older versions of firefox x64 (version 67.0 and 59.0 since these apparently worked for people in the past)
I have run the programs as administrators
I have kept the Oculus off, opened the video, clicked the VR Headset button, THEN plus on the headset
I have updated all my drivers
I have loaded the videos through the virtual desktop in Oculus
I have tried using Chrome/Waterfox/Opera and even *shudder* Microsoft Edge
I have tried finding the 3D graphics for the dedicated card but im on a desktop and only have 1 graphics card, a Geforce RTX 2070

The ONLY thing I can think of that MAY have changed something, would be that I downloaded the HEVC video extension from the windows store. I don't know if that has any correlation, but I tried uninstalling it and attempting videos through Oculus and it didn't work. I also went through all my video player default extensions to see if any were set to something weird. Other than that, there have been no changes to my PC that I can think of since the last time these VR videos worked.

Honored Guest
I 'm having the same issue should I call occulus support for help because I don't understand how to change my integrated graphics driver

Honored Guest
I was facing the same issue. Tried different version of firefox, different drivers version but nothing worked.
Once I contacted the support, they asked me to look at the logs.
There's a tool for that: C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics\OculusLogGatherer.exe

After generating the full logs of the last day, I greped on firefox and noticed the following error:

Code: -3009 -- ovrError_MismatchedAdapters
  Description: Graphics adapters do not match between client and service. required: dbcf (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Max-Q Design), specified: d881 pid: 6684, file: firefox.exe
  OVRTime: 127787.190926
  Time: 2020-08-28 22:19:17 [221:748:900]

Obviously, it's still trying to use the integrated graphic card instead of the dedicated despite having done the necessary configuration on Nvidia control panel. I also noticed the following text (sorry for the french guys...)


I opened Windows graphic parameters panel and set Firefox to systematically use the dedicated graphic card.
After a reboot, it works like a charm.


Hope it helps someone.


@guillaume_bretomerci merci merci!
You're a hero!

I almost gave up on this but in a last search I stumbled on your post. Changing these settings and then rebooting enabled Firefox again in showing WebVR.


Edit: this also works for Chrome (and probably other browsers as well)

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