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Weird bright spots

I've noticed two bright spots on the right side of my screen. I am pretty sure these are not bad pixels: this is not noticeable with dark colors, and if I align one of them to a pixel-wide line and look from different angles it seems like it is behind the panel, so I'm under the impression that there are transparent spots in the backlight diffuser. I noticed one of the spots not long ago but didn't give it much though, but with the new one appearing recently it's becoming more noticeable, especially since they are so close to each other. I only use my Rift at night and store it in the plastic box while not in use, so I'm pretty sure it's not Sun damage. Has anyone else experienced this issue?


Honored Guest
I've not experienced this issue with my Rift. This seems like something that may occur if the LCD panel was mishandled during production, or if somebody poked it really hard. The bright spots may resolve themselves if you try some stuck-pixel fixing software, or try some of these physical fixes to gently massage the liquid crystals in your panel back into their proper places:

Thanks for the comments, but I'm sure it's not a stuck pixel issue as it's behind the panel itself and the spots are behind several grouped pixels, it looks like damage to the diffuser; I've actually used pixel-fixing videos from YouTube to fix image burn-in on it with good results, but it doesn't affect the bright spots. I don't know how could this happen by itself so I'm starting to think that it possibly was there all along and for some reason I missed it. Luckily, I'm getting used to it and at this point I can just ignore them most of the time.

Honored Guest
Those two dots look aligned to me. Seems a bit too ordered to be random....

I managed to get isopropyl alcohol in the corner of my iPhone screen (don't ask!). Afterwards the screen showed the same strange dots, as if they were some sort of circuitry/struts/pins behind the screen.


Yes exactly the same problem. Only bought mine 2 weeks ago. Oculus quest 2.

I’ve circled in red the pixels.

I’m doing as much research as I can before I do an Amazon return. They are so good with that.


Did you ever find out what was wrong with yours. I have the same issue. 

Factory fault. I replaced it through Amazon. Very easy.

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