01-14-2025 05:50 AM
I am baffled. I just switched to a Quest 3 VR setup and all is good except for this problem. I use the Logitech yoke and pedals with flight panels. When I am flying with my hands on the Logitech yoke I see “phantom” controllers where my hands would be (just black controllers, no hands) and controller rays shooting out (I call them Death Rays) and they dance all over the control panel of the airplane as I manipulate the yoke or move my hands. I think they interfere with aircraft operations and are more than just annoying. The planes can become uncontrollable, and I think this may be because the "rays" activate buttons and switches.
Does anybody know how to get rid of the black phantom controllers and the rays? My controllers themselves should be off already as I don't use them for "flying". I have been hunting through the Quest 3 settings, but no luck yet.
01-15-2025 07:34 AM
An update to the problem: Sometimes I can get the black phantom controls to disappear for a while by moving my hands in some way. Then they come back. The "rays" coming out of the controllers definitely affect controls of the airplane in MSFS 2024 and can cause the airplane to become uncontrollable.
01-16-2025 03:52 AM
Update to the update: The problem is solved! It was what I was guessing, but I could not find the proper setting. In short, hand track needs to be turned off.
In certain MSFS24 forums a video has been posted showing how to turn off the controllers in the VR settings of the game itself. That video was for an Oculus. Those settings apparently do not exist when a Quest 3 is used. So, turn off hand tracking in the Quest 3 settings and you should be A-OK.
This issue, by the way, is a common topic in the MSFS24 discussion groups.
Love the Quest 3, by the way. Absolutely fantastic.
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