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What distance I should get my prescription lenses for the Quest 3

Honored Guest

I have no accommodation ability when it comes to focusing on distance and near.  I need to know at what distance I should get my prescription to get the custom lenses for the Quest 3.


Please don't say just distance prescription, because this is not actually true for someone who has accommodation dysfunction and a very long eye.  I purchase custom lenses for my Quest 2 based on distance of whatever was set up in the optometrist office. This prescription did not work for me and was blurry.  


I read on Zennis website that the non prescription lenses were a 1.50 index.  Is it safe to assume that someone who does not have accommodation ability would need a 1.50 power at approximately 67 cm away? Correction power = 1 / distance in meters.  Therefore, my prescription should be based off that distance when using prescription lenses with the quest 3?


I have different power glasses for different distances ranging from 6 inches up to 10 feet.  Distance vision typically starts at arms distance, mine does not.


This may be a question only the optics engineer can answer as I have not been able to find customer support person that even remotely understands my question.


I've discussed this with my friend who happens to be an optometrist and he thinks my assumption makes sense if standard lenses are 1.50.


Anyone have any helpful input?


Edit: I believe it's optics focal distance that I'm looking for. Quest 2 focal distance is not reported but a tweet suggests 1.3m.  Different websites suggest the Quest 3 focal distance between 1.3m and 1.5m.  Anyone able to cite something official? 

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