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What happened to purchases made on my Oculus account?

Honored Guest

I had the GearVR years back. Bought some apps for it in the Oculus store. Haven't thought about it in a while.

I just got the Meta Quest 3.  Signed in with my Meta account. Got to thinking about the GearVR.

How do I even see my old Oculus Store purchase history at this point? The email on my Oculus account is the same as on my Meta account. But I don't know if they actually merged; can't find any trace that I ever had an Oculus account, looking at the accounts & services connected to my Meta account.

GearVR ran on Android, and Quest 3 runs on Android, so it'd be fantastic to run those apps again but I'm not holding my breath. But it does seem weird that the account itself and its purchase history have seemingly disappeared. Is there something I need to do, to recovery it?

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